4th Grade News

Welcome to the 4th Grade Blog! We are going green this year. We will be adding important information to our blog to keep you informed on what is going on at RCE. Please check us out regularly to find out what is going on academically in each subject area.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Help RCE win a GRANT from Pepsi

From Mrs. Harrell- RCE's Librarian

The grant is for an afterschool program to teach healthy lifestyles.

What needs to be done.
Go to the Pepsi Refresh site http://www.refresheverything.com
Vote for Refresh, Refuel, React - # 360 Education for 50,000
You can vote with every e-mail address you have – just must register for each one.
Once you have registered, you just log in each morning and vote quickly. (Hopefully you will see us at the top of the list!)

Once you have voted – you can click on ideas you support and the ones you have voted for will pop up…much easier the second time.

Thank you so much for your help!

Karen Harrell
Rummel Creek Elementary
Every child can succeed @ your school library!