4th Grade News

Welcome to the 4th Grade Blog! We are going green this year. We will be adding important information to our blog to keep you informed on what is going on at RCE. Please check us out regularly to find out what is going on academically in each subject area.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Nutcracker Reminders from Fine Arts

Students will be performing the Nutcracker during school on Monday, December 6th and during the evening on Tuesday, December 7th.

Monday (12/6/10) performances:
8:30 a.m. and 9:20ish a.m.
Parents, please do not take pictures during or after either of these performances.

Tuesday (12/7/10) evening performance: 7:00 p.m. following PTA meeting which begins at 6:30.
Please no pictures during the performance.

Monday morning:
All students should report to their assigned dressing rooms at 7:45 a.m. with hair already done.
Tuesday evening:
All students should report to their assigned dressing rooms at 6:15 p.m. with hair already done.

Following the evening performance parents are welcome to take pictures.
All students will need to change back into their street clothes and turn in their costume and props before being
served refreshments.

Cesar Rincon is filming on Monday morning and the DVD’s are available for purchase. Order blanks were sent home this week.
Please return those by Wednesday, Dec. 8th so that the orders can be delivered before we go home for winter holiday.

The children have been working hard and are excited to perform next week.
A special thanks to Karen Miller and Molly Hermes for heading up and doing so much of the “foot work” behind the scenes with costuming and staging!!! Thanks to their wonderful crew for decorating the cafeteria with the handiwork of the 4th grade students.

It truly takes a community to put on a show of this caliber! Thanks to ALL!