4th Grade News

Welcome to the 4th Grade Blog! We are going green this year. We will be adding important information to our blog to keep you informed on what is going on at RCE. Please check us out regularly to find out what is going on academically in each subject area.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Curriculum Night Next Week

Curriculum Night at RCE is next Tuesday, February 16th! Your child's homeroom teacher will be emailing you the details. Please be looking for an email soon!
An attachment to the email includes the schedule and opportunities offered.
There is also a registration form at the end of the attachment if you want to sign up for dinner that night as well.

Come join your child! Bring your laptop, or cell phone, or digital pictures and learn how to create a Wordle, or an Animoto movie, or a trading card! See how we use technology with our curriculum!

We look forward to seeing you!

The Fourth Grade Teachers